 I have set the challenge for myself to raise 3000 British Pounds Stirling for Shining Faces in India.
Once that challenge has been met, approximately 800pounds will go to the cost of my journey to ICMC, the school and orphanage in Salem, TamilNadu India where I will spend two weeks teaching English as a second language and helping out wherever else I can. So far as of  7 August 2011 we have raised 240.13 pounds which means I only have another 2759.87 pounds to raise.  You can make a donation via the Make a Donation link on the top of the page
here or directly to Shining Faces thier bank account info is as follows:

Account Name: Shining Faces in India
Account No. 60 79 04 19
Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code 20-29-50
IBAN GB27 BARC 2029 5060 7904 19 

No money is donated to me at all. Everything goes to Shining Faces, Shining faces will however use a portion of the money I raise to pay for my plane ticket to Chennai and my train ticket from Chennai to Salem. The rest is up to me.

Say a prayer, light a candle. Make a donation.